Extra Medium Origin Story

A (not) complete recount of certain events blurred between lazers and halloween costumes.

Take a listen to this mini 2 minute documentary where I tell a very partial story of the Extra Medium name and origins of Extra Medium as a lifestyle =)

It all started on the kitchen floor at my friend Melinda's place when Meeze said the famous line "there's small and extra small, large, extra large, medium and extra medium." 

Extra Medium just makes sense to me. However, that may not be the case to someone hearing it for the first time, or to someone who doesn't know me well enough to understand my sense of humor. Which is confusing and silly at best. I sometimes make word or idea connections that only make sense to me, making my "jokes" or plays on words .... just not funny. 

Reagrdless, Extra Medium is not a joke, but a play on words and an oversimplified explanation of the way of life I want to share with anyone and everyone willing to put in the extra mile. By this, I mean, that there is more to wearing clothes and finding ways to be unique, as we all (mostly) seemingly (whether we are aware of this or not) do on a daily basis. 

Extra Medium is a way of life

I believe that stains, holes and tears in clothing are great opportunities for storytelling. If you've ever met me you'll notice that I have a collection of handkerchiefs that are part of the accessories I use on a daily basis (almost). In 2020, I visited my aunts and grandparents in Mexico for the first time in 20 years, and it was the first time I realized that the use of handkerchiefs was a legacy in my family (on my dad's side). My aunts teased me for carrying on the tradition of using a handkerchief to blow my nose like my dad and grandfather have done apparently their entire lives.

When I was 16, my dad gave me the first two handkerchiefs I would ever use. It wasn't until 16 years later that I realized the sentimental value these pieces of cloth would have for me. Today, I still have the two original cotton squares my dad gave me, which are unfortunately torn and in poor condition. 

They have been put away in a drawer and are kept only for their sentimental value. Thanks to specific techniques, I can help prolong the life of these garments and other pieces for years to come.

We all have that one garment or accessory that needs repair, either to continue to be used, or to keep it in good condition for the memories it holds. EM tailored is all about sharing stories and knowledge, and putting the spotlight on this. 

This is the same for any piece of clothnig. The wear and tear not only give our graments character, they add value, comfort and style to our everyday. This style is infused into every outfit we wear. From the colors we chose, to the stories we decide to tell with our clothing. Extra Medium is that perfect fitting 16 year old t-shirt that you just can't get rid of because it feels good to wear. That is the extra medium we all wish we could buy off the rack. I am just here to make that wish more easily attainable. 

Let's talk about your style. 

Emmanuel Cortes May 15, 2024
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Unfinished, unprocessed. A poem